Sunday, April 1, 2007

"Collision" review makes the grade!

Thankfully my review of Sharyn Chen's "Collision" was up to par. Here's what Sharyn had to say:

"Hi Jordan,
wow. what an in-depth analysis! Glad you picked up on some of the subtleties, like "1:01, 2:02, etc". im still waiting for someone to notice the palindromes...hmm....anyway, thanks so much for taking the time and effort to write such a thorough review. also, thank you so much for putting my trailer on your website. I look forward to answering your interview questions!

For those of you scratching your heads, palindromes are words or sequences that are the same backwards as they are forwards like "level," "boob," "poop," "nun," or "dad." I plan on revisiting "Collision" before interviewing Sharyn, so maybe I can pick up on these mysterious palindromes before then in order to make myself look smarter. ;-D For more info on the film or to buy it, visit!

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