Monday, March 5, 2007

Praise for my "Not Quite Right: The Movie" review! Phew!

I just received an e-mail from comedic indie film maker Lee Godden concerning my review for his film, "Not Quite Right: The Movie". Here's what Lee had to say about my review:

Your review of Not Quite Right: The Movie was professionally written, insightful, and, most of all, enjoyable to read. Thank you!

I’ve taken your comments about final cut length and feature-versus-deleted-scenes selection to heart.

Rest assured that I will drive as many people to the Rogue Cinema site as possible. (You and Duane deserve a wider audience for the excellent content you provide.)

Warmest regards,

p.s. Next time you have a hankering for some ice cream while watching a flick, consider Baskin-Robbins’ newest flavor: “Spiced Buffalo Chorizo.” ;-)

Lee Godden
Director/Producer, Not Quite Right: The Movie
Telsius Productions LLC, Los Angeles
Tel. (562) 986-5163, Fax (562) 986-5164
Toll-Free: (866) 936-9473

WOOHOO! It's always great to hear from someone after I review their film, and its even better when they enjoy and applaud my writing efforts! Ah, I can rest easy tonight knowing that I've done some good in this world. ;-)

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