Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The complete lack of updates continues!

I won't bore you with details, but things haven't been going my way lately, especially in regards to my financial situation. (I'm beginning to wonder if my fate is to leave behind a legacy of debt when I die 80 years from now. Yes, I said 80 years. I plan on being a thorn in the side of humanity far longer than I have any right to. Mwahahahaha!)

So, while I get some stuff sorted out, you can expect a continued silence from the Vault. (If you're thinking that I should probably retire at this point, I couldn't agree with you more. But the fact remains that I'm a stubborn fool, that really wants to keep the site going.) So cross your fingers, throw up a few prayers to the Almighty (or various gods if you're polytheistic), and just wish me a bit of luck. If you do this, and if the planets become perfectly aligned, then maybe, just maybe, you'll see some new stuff at the Vault.

In the meantime, keep on fighting the good fight and share your love of b-films with your friends, family, co-workers, and/or fellow classmates.

Stay tuned for some actual updates in the near future.

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