Monday, April 1, 2013


Sorry for the late post gang. It being a holiday weekend and all, I found a lot to do on my time off, like yardwork, Easter dinner, the season finale of Walking Dead, the season opener for Game of Thrones, and being sick. Plus, funds are still tight so I didn't bother hitting up the cineplex this weekend, but that's fine by me since there was only one flick I "kinda sorta" wanted to see, namely GI JOE RETALIATION:

The fans were poisonous to the first live-action G.I. Joe flick, even picking apart the most minute of details, like the fact that ice was sinking at the climactic underwater battle in the Arctic. Me? I thought it was dumb fun and didn't tarnish the good name of Hasbro's famous toyline. After leaving the theater I felt content, but my buddy Ryan (owner of Charging Star Comics) did not feel the same way, and went on a twenty-minute tirade about the film on that fateful night. Needless to say, he is passionate about the toys and cartoons of his youth, and felt that a disservice was done to the G.I. Joe brand.

Now along comes a sequel that looks like it's better than the first (Cobra Commander looks like Cobra Commander now, and there's a buttload of ninjas!) and people are still bitchin'! Hahaha. But, that's to be expected; fans of anything get up in arms when Hollywood attempts to cash in on anything from their youth. (e.g. There's a ton of hate out there for the EVIL DEAD remake hitting screens this Friday. Luckily, there's also a ton of love for it too! Expectations are high!)

Personally I want to see this followup to the maligned G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. It looks like more dumb fun, but with a little more attention to detail. If anything, I want to see it for the awesome ninja action it promises (and apparently delivers on).

That's all that's new this (past) weekend, but check back on Friday for a complete listing of all the new movies you can see on the big screen, because knowing is half the battle! [G I JOooooooeeeeeee]

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